This is a guest post by Damien Coraboeuf, Jenkins project contributor and Continuous Delivery consultant. Implementing a CI/CD solution based on Jenkins has become very easy. Dealing with hundreds of jobs? Not so much. Having to scale to thousands of jobs? Now this is a real challenge. This is the story of a journey to get out of the jungle of jobs… Start of the journey At the beginning of the...
In this post I will show how you can make your own DSL extensions and distribute them as a plugin, using Pipeline Script. A quick refresher Pipeline has a well kept secret: the ability to add your own DSL elements. Pipeline is itself a DSL, but you can extend it. There are 2 main reasons I can think you may want to do this: You want to reduce boilerplate by...
FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate. Visit us at the Jenkins stand.
SCaLE is the largest community-run open-source and free software conference in North America. Visit us at the Jenkins booth!