Jenkins Essentials has been renamed to Jenkins Evergreen since this was written. Jenkins Essentials is about providing a distribution of Jenkins in less than five minutes and five clicks. One of the main ideas to make this a reality is that Jenkins will be autoconfigured with sane defaults for the environment it is running in. We are happy to report we recently merged the change that provides...
Jenkins Essentials has been renamed to Jenkins Evergreen since this was written. It’s been far too long since we posted an update on Jenkins Essentials. While it’s not quite ready for users to start trying it out, we continue hacking away on all manner of changes to support the safe and automatic upgrades of a running Jenkins environment. In the meantime, Jenkins contributor Baptiste Mathus took some time to introduce and demonstrate...
FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate. Visit us at the Jenkins stand.
SCaLE is the largest community-run open-source and free software conference in North America. Visit us at the Jenkins booth!